IoT Energy Optimization Kit

 The Energy Optimization Starter Kit dedicates technology to identify precisely how, when, and where the energy is being consumed and how best to implement energy-saving measures?.

Energy Optimization solution kit is a technique and technology dedicated to energy efficiency. It is used to determine the existing energy spending of in-service equipment’s through the identification of patterns to prevent costly operational spending and optimize the energy spending.?

There are numerous sources of energy consumers in industrialized sites. These various sources can present overconsumption, leading to significant energy expenditure. The main challenge for managers in sites such as factories, airports, ports, and hospitals is to identify where the largest items of expenditure are situated to optimize the equipment operation. The Energy Optimization solution helps you to:

    • Monitor hundreds of remote sites in a unified portal?.
    • Integrate with existing meters & systems?.
    • Understand and visualize the energy profile of your organization?.
    • Helps better energy planning with pre-defined targets / KPIs?.
    • Improve energy budgeting corresponding to the plan?.
    • Helps better capacity utilization, reduced maintenance & man-power?.
    • Improve system uptime.?
    • Provide easy accessibility, usability, management & control?.
    • Available as an on-premise & cloud-based application.


IoT Energy Optimization Kit
Model ID: KFKITADE1000
Price: $ 3,800.00



Product Accessories

1 x Adeunis Pulse?

1 x  Adeunis Modbus
1 x Ufispace Enterprise Indoor Gateway ?
Access to Opinum Business Application?
3 x months trial subscription to ThingPark Enterprise SaaS service?
3 hrs. of technical assistance (during the 3 months of trial)

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