IoT Greenhouse Kit

 Monitor and protect your greenhouse and indoor farm animal area 24/7 from any location. The interior of a greenhouse exposed to sunlight is significantly warmer than the external temperature, protecting its plants from extreme conditions is an essential condition. Keeping plants in your greenhouse alive and healthy requires an optimal growing environment. Protect your indoor farm animals by enabling a monitoring system that helps farmers to keep a check on their farm animals remotely from sudden temperature and humidity changes.

Whether you are on-site or off-site, a greenhouse and indoor farm animal monitoring system ensures you are always aware of the critical conditions that threaten your property and plant inventory.

Farm animal area monitoring, Greenhouses cultivation monitoring, HVAC monitoring

IoT Greenhouse Kit
Model ID: KFKITSEN2000
Price: $ 2,800.00



Product Accessories

 1 x SenLab THY-LAB-14NS

1 x Ufispace PicoCell Enterprise v1.5

3 x Months subscription to WMW Dashboard

3 x months subscription to ThingPark Enterprise GW - up to 1 Gateway

3 x months access to ThingPark Enterprise SaaS service - up to 1 Gateway & 10 devices

1hr of technical assistance during the trial period

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